how to make musical notes on a mac on facebook

How do you make music notes, hearts and other neat little symbols.

Make Y! My Homepage. I don't know if it matters, but I have a mac. how do i make the music note on my facebook status??? help… does.
Mac computers come with the iLife suite of applications, which contains GarageBand.. How can i make hearts and music notes on my facebook post?
how would i type musical notes on a macbook? gtry is offline. Now what I need to know is how to do something like this on Facebook! Sumsha.
Apr 27, 2008. On facebook i always see other people typing littl…. to make a heart on  facebook with a mac? how do i make the music note on my facebook.
Sep 7, 2012. Make Music Notes On Facebook Mac! Here is a brief tutorial on how to download a fresh drum kit for FL Studio and add it to your existing kits.
Related Questions. how do i make the music note on my facebook status??? help … How do you make music notes on facebook on a mac?
How to Post Music Notes on Facebook Status - Buzzle.

how to make musical notes on a mac on facebook

How do people make hearts, smiley faces, stars, music notes, etc.

How To Make Music Notes On Facebook With A Mac.
Android how do i make music notes on facebook download - Softonic.
Dec 11, 2012. Making Music Notes On Facebook Mac! Game Maker might be seen like a relevant reaction to one of the most asked computer game related.
Music Note Alt Codes Symbol.

how to make musical notes on a mac on facebook

How do I get the little music note to show up next. - The Spotify.
Android how do i make music notes on facebook download - Everfriends – 3D Virtual. Apple announced yesterday that iTunes 11, which has been completely.
You'll probably have to just copy and paste them, if you're on a MacBook. There ARE probably keyboard shortcuts, but it's 2:30 AM and I'm too lazy to.

Mac Comer Music - Notes | Facebook.

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